I am not sure what your terms of use are, but I was wondering if I could use this to create a blog design for a friend of mine. I am not charging her for it, just doing it for fun. If you could let me know if this would be ok, I would appreciate it. My email address is OurMomentsOurMemories (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!!
What a great first kit! Perfect for my son's LO's. Thanks for sharing your talent :)
cute kit, you might want to place a SIZE on your preview, being there so many NEWBIES and TAGGER size kits....
Shanna, I love this kit - great colors!
I am not sure what your terms of use are, but I was wondering if I could use this to create a blog design for a friend of mine. I am not charging her for it, just doing it for fun. If you could let me know if this would be ok, I would appreciate it. My email address is OurMomentsOurMemories (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!!
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