Saturday, 15 November 2008

First entry

My first blog post. Wow!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while as a place to write down all the thoughts that run through my head everyday. Whether anyone reads it is a different matter but at least I know it's there.

There is this quote I once read that has always stuck with me know matter what I do it always seemed poignant and well thought out, so here I'd like to share it with you.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember professionals built the Titanic and amateurs built the ark!.

Just because you have never done something before doesn't mean it won't work out if try.

That being said I have plenty of hang ups not to mention a MAJOR fear of heights but that's a story for another time. But onto the reason I made the decision to start this blog today.

I am currently taking this class over at called Stories In Hand. The idea is to find a way to preserve your memories. Now I'm a digital scrapbooker when I have the time and patience to create a page I love to preserve the memories of my life and my family. This hobby has made me research my family tree and find out about a lot of relatives I barely knew existed. I guess in all of us there is a need to know where we came from and why we're here I guess this allows me to do that and express my creative side.

Well back to the class, today's assignment is to take one of the memories we have and write about it from a section of prompts called ROOTS. I needed somewhere to record this memories for prosperity and a blog sounded like a good place to start. I mean I have tried keep a journal in the past but I tend to loose it or draw a blank when I stare at the blank page and have to write about my life. Ask me to write a story about characters from my favourite TV shows and I'm all over but ask me to write about and a I draw a blank.

So with this in mind I will endeavor to write a second post to day following one of those prompts to record my thoughts and memories.

Wish me luck.

Shanna xx

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