Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Things I Learnt Getting A New Computer…

  • Software should be transferrable – I had lots of software on my computer that I downloaded for no longer have the disc for but now I’m never going to get back unless I pay for it again like ACDSee I had months worth of work tagging all my scrapbooking supplies now I’m having to do it again in Picasa as you can’t seem to buy ACDsee for less than £60.
  • You can transfer your iTunes library –  and keep all your settings and playlists. You just have to search open that library on the new computer and then if your files are in a different file structure help it locate one file and then it will look for the rest. (I had to do this several times as my music was previously kept on two harddrives)
  • Backing up my computer weekly means I still have all my photos – I’ve had to download my photos from my external hard drive several times as I keep deleting managing to delete the keywords I’ve managed to delete all my family keep words and the second time all my places – Then I’ve had reload them into Lightroom (retagging wasn’t an option as I have almost 90,000 pictures).
  • I’m not paying for Office every month  - I don’t use office products that much so I opted to buy the suite outright for when I use it.
  • I miss scrapbooking  - I’ve had my computer for almost a week now and I’m still not at a point when I think I can make a scrapbook page (other than my weekly project life pages).
  • Windows 8 computers don’t play DVDs  - unless you download some other software.
  • Windows 8 isn’t that bad
  • PC World is useless – I went into the shop and after waiting 20 minutes for help they had none of the computers in stock but they could order it in. I went home and ordered it online – it was cheaper – but I had a query so I emailed them on the 9th – I’m still waiting for a response.

Shanna xx

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