Friday, 10 August 2012

Ten on the Tenth

I completely forgot it was going to be the tenth today – I’m not sure how that happened since I can read a calendar – until Shimelle sent out a tweet and reminded me.  Since I didn’t know what to pick I just randomly went to my photo library and picked a picture which turned out to be a picture from the 90s so I picked another ten.


This month’s ten on the tenth, random family photos from the 90s

March 1990

family2 3-3-90

March 1990

shanna and sean 3-90


Christmas 1991

cousins xmas 26-12-91



mark 2nd bday




seans 4th bday1

1994 – My grandparents and great aunt and uncle’s 40th anniversary

40th annivesary




1996 – Grandad Denny’s 80th birthday

Den 80tth  6-7-96 heathfield honiton



Christmas 1999



My only question is why would I wear any of those clothes? I mean my outfit in the last picture is not so bad but the rest. Oh dear.



Melissa said...

What a great group of 90s photos.

Anonymous said...

I love looking back at old photos, remember the moments and going what was i thinking or what were my parent thinking when they made me dress like that!

Mrs LiliGee x said...

I love this 10 Things - good choice! It's good to look back and remember moments you thought you's forgotten about - unfortunatley, I don't have many photos from my childhood, so that's why I make sure my kids wil have LOADS haha!!

Jennifer Grace said...

I have a lot of VERY similar photos from the 80's and 90's, especially the family photos all squished on the sofa! I like the one with the ride-on car in it too, as we had one just like it. Great trip down memory lane!